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Writing Content for the Web

Writing Content for the Web

The web is an integral part of modern people’s lives, and since millions of people are viewing web pages every now and then, it is not a bad idea to try to be a creator sometimes, instead of just an end-user. In a brief period, the web has revolutionized information sharing, education, shopping, computer rental, and entertainment. Developing web pages is a skill that doesn’t take much time to master. Once you are capable of writing for the web, your window to connect with millions of people will be thrown open.

You should always use a writing format and style that is conducive to scanning. For example, people who are looking for dietary habits of tree frogs on the web probably scan for relevant points in the web pages of tree frog websites.

When writing for the web, the writing style should be different from the writing styles that you normally use. It is important that you write in a language that appeals to your target readers. You should also summarize what you are writing about at the outset, since it will make the readers aware of the specific topic you are discussing in the article. Rather than writing long paragraphs, it is also suggested that you list them, as the readers on the web generally don’t have much patience, and they will find the listed format more attractive when they are skimming and scanning your page.

You should always use a writing format and style that is conducive to scanning. For example, people who are looking for dietary habits of tree frogs on the web often scan for relevant points in the web pages of tree frog websites. Highlighting your write-up with the help of headers, lists, and hyperlinks will help your readers find what they are looking for in a shorter time. You can retain the attention of your reader further by adding relevant and coherent photos, audio, and video files.

HTML, or Hyper Text Mark-up Language, is by far the most popular document format for writing on the web. Web pages are created through HTML codes, or tags, which are embedded in the document’s text. Web page components such as fonts, graphic elements, hypertext links, and page layout are defined by HTML. A hyperlink links a text to other pages on the Word Wide Web. Moreover, each document on the web page has its unique web page address or URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language that describes the layout and formatting of documents that are written in a mark-up language such as HTML or XHTML. It is predominantly used in styling web pages that are written in HTML, and the language is also used in XML documents like XUL and SVG.

DIV, or DIVision tag, is a kind of HTML tag that is applied to divide a web page into elements. Each of these elements has its own layout attributes too. DIV is capable of defining a whole block of web page data.

When writing for the web, you can utilize social bookmarking to promote your web document. Social bookmarking is a mode for internet users to rate, share, manage, and organize web page bookmarks. Metadata in the shape of tags are generally used for social bookmarking , and this allows people to view the bookmarks chronologically, category-wise, tag-wise, or through a search engine. For instance, when your web document is bookmarked or tagged by a particular user, the saved link of your page becomes available either publicly or to a social networking group of that user. Therefore, your write-up will be shared, rated, and commented, which will help to promote your web page.

Website formatting software:

  • Nifty Corners : Free software for web formatting
  • Coffee Cup : Award winning web formatting software
  • Frontpage : The most widely used software for web formatting
  • Dreamweaver : Web formatting software by Adobe

You may write as a hobby, a job requirement, a college assignment , or a business necessity. Whatever has prompted you to write documents for the web, it will take time for you to become a good writer. And once you are able to write effective web documents, you will begin to enjoy great success on the internet.


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